ЕГЭ по информатике 2023 (beta)

by Amid studio



The application is designed to prepare for the unified state exam (USE) in computer science. The application includes tasks similar to tasks from the USE 2023 demo version. You can solve the tasks individually or solve the whole option and find out your result.The following jobs are currently available:- Coding and decoding of information (task 4 from the exam);- Analysis and construction of algorithms for performers (task 5 from the USE);- Analysis of programs (task 6 from the USE);- Coding and decoding information. Transfer of information (task 7 from the exam);- Searching for words and number systems (8 task from the exam);- Calculation of the amount of information (11 task from the exam);- Transformation of logical expressions (15 task from the exam);- Recursive algorithms (16 task from the exam);- Analysis of the program with cycles and conditional statements (task 22 from the exam);- Assignment and branch operator. Enumeration of options, building a tree (task 23 from the exam).We wish you good work and successful passing of the exam!